No, abuse can take several forms, often in the same relationship. It can be sexual, emotional, and/or financial, in addition to physically violent.
Click here for information on: 4 types of abuse
There are some very real, concrete signs that the relationship you may be in is abusive or on its way to becoming abusive. And please keep in mind that abusers' behavior toward their victims only gets worse with time. See the
Warning Signs of an Abusive RelationshipBegin by developing a safety plan.
Click here for information on a Safety Plan that lists actions you can take before, during, and after an abusive situation occurs.
In all cultures in the world, women are the most likely victims of domestic violence. However, kids, teenagers, immigrants, people with disabilities, same sex partners, and heterosexual men can also be victims.
Click here for more information on Victims of Domestic Violence
Women prefer men who treat them badly? Abusers are simply immature? Abusers and their victims are uneducated, blue-collar, and lower-class?
Click here to separate reality from myth.