24-Hour Crisis Hotline: (800) 334-2094

Victims of

Domestic Violence

The Victims of Domestic Violence are:

Women: There is no ''typical'' type of woman who is the subject of domestic violence. Abuse knows no specific age, religion, ethnic, socioeconomic, or educational background. The only commonality in this category is being female.

Children: Children who are not battered but witness and hear battering in their home are affected in many ways. Teenage victims of domestic violence, or those who are not battered themselves but witness domestic violence in their home may start showing signs of risk-taking behavior. Examples of the risk-taking behavior are:
- use of drugs or alcohol
- sexually promiscuity
- crimes

Teen girls and boys: Teens can suffer from violent relationship abuse as do adults-physically, sexually, emotionally, and/or financially. Dating violence is common: it occurs in more than 1 out of every 4 teenage relationships. The abuse is not the victim's fault. The abuser uses violence to solve problems, and to exercise power and control over the victim.

Immigrants and refugees: They often feel isolated due to language and cultural differences. A battered woman or man who is not a legal resident of this country or whose immigrant status depends on her/his violent partner may not feel safe making alternative living arrangements or asking for help from authorities.

People with disabilities: Those with physical, psychiatric, or cognitive challenges experience domestic violence from their partners at a higher rate than the rest of the population. They also experience mistreatment, abuse, neglect, and exploitation from caretakers, personal assistants, paid staff, family members, and parents.

The elderly: The older population especially elderly women, can be invisible to communities. They are uniquely vulnerable to domestic violence because they often follow older traditions that did not recognize spousal abuse as a problem. They are often times bound financially to the abuser, which can only increase their feelings of isolation and hopelessness. They are often mistreated, abused, neglected, and exploited from caretakers, family members, as well as their own adult children.

Rural women: Women living in rural areas or small towns who experience domestic violence can face many obstacles in seeking relief. The distance from a domestic violence shelter or support agencies, is exacerbated by a lack of public transportation, and can enhance isolation. Communication may be difficult and unreliable. In some rural communities, sexist, racist, misogynist, anti-Semitic, and homophobic language and actions are accepted. This creates an environment where hatred of differences is common.

Same-sex partners: Abusers in same-sex relationships use physical, sexual, emotional, or financial abuse to gain and/or maintain power and control. The fear of homophobic and hostile law enforcement, judiciary, court, medical and social service providers may stop lesbian, gay, bisexual, and other victims of same-sex violence from leaving relationships or from seeking help.

Heterosexual men: They face the same dynamics of violence from their partners as female victims do. They may also be embarrassed or too ashamed to seek help, especially from authorities.

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(618) 549-4807
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Carbondale, IL 62901
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