We are here to listen
Counseling services are available to individuals of all ages who have experienced sexual violence, as well as their families, friends, and allies. Counseling is available immediately after an assault or at any later date.
Free, confidential counseling is available for you at Survivor Empowerment Center for our Rape Crisis Services and Domestic Violence/Shelter Programs. Our counseling approach will help you to cope with your feelings privately and help you to manage the emotional and physical impact of the crime committed against you to help you regain a sense of control over your life.
Sexual violence and domestic violence are extremely traumatizing.
The experience and the emotional scars associated with this abuse often outlast the physical impact. Survivors have a high risk of developing post-traumatic stress disorder, substance abuse problems, or stress-related mental health conditions. Survivors can have upsetting memories, flashbacks, fear, or a sense of danger that they cannot overcome. They can feel numb or disconnected from the rest of the world. Learning to cope with this residual emotional pain and fear is essential to the healing process.
Breaking the feelings of isolation caused by domestic and sexual violence can be helped by seeking counseling and support from friends and family. Moving forward is key to survival. Counseling sessions can provide a safe and confidential environment for survivors to express their feelings, thoughts, and fears. Counselors are nonjudgmental third-party advisers who listen and can help survivors work through the things that they are experiencing. Speaking with a counselor can help survivors to work through their anxiety and find alternatives to relieve stress.