24-Hour Crisis Hotline: (800) 334-2094

4 Types of Abuse

The 4 Types of Abuse

A Physical Abuser may:

Spit at you; scratch, bite, or grab you
Shake, shove, push, restrain, or throw you
Twist, slap, punch, choke, or burn you
Throw objects at you; may use weapons to threaten you, attack you, or even kill you
Lock you out of the house; refuse to help when you are sick
Become abusive during mealtimes to prevent you from eating in peace; become abusive during sleep time to disrupt your sleep

A Sexual Abuser may:

Be jealous, possessive; call you sexual names
Withhold sex and affection as a punishment
Coerce you to have sex by manipulation or threats
Pressure you to have sex when you don't want to
Physically force you to have sex
Act violent during sex
Coerce you into sexual acts which you are uncomfortable with (sex with a third party, physically painful sex, or sexual activity you find offensive)
Be verbally denigrating during sex
Force you to not use birth control or to protect yourself from sexually transmitted diseases he/she may have
Be unfaithful to you after committing to monogamy

An Emotional Abuser may:

Attack you verbally in public or in private
Insult you about things like your weight, your culture, your education, your religion, your language, or even your history as a survivor of his/her abuse
Hold approval or affection as a punishment
Play mind or ''head'' games
Regularly threaten to leave you, or tell you to leave
Always claim to be right; break promises, will not follow through on agreements
Isolate you from your family and/or friends

A Financial Abuser may:

Control all the money; have all the bills in his/her name
Not allow you to work outside the house, or refuse to work himself/herself and make you support the family
Put you on an allowance for you and the children
Take away your paycheck
Save or spend money while depriving you and your kids of things you need
Call or Visit our Office
24 Hour Hotline:
(800) 334-2094
(618) 549-4807
610 S Thompson St,
Carbondale, IL 62901
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